In October we have Jamboree!!!

In October we have Jamboree!!!

August 11, 2024 Off By redaktoro

As every year, during the third weekend of October we have a World Jamboree, but without leaving our homes or weekly meeting places. These are the Jamboree in the Air (JOTA) and the Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI).

JOTA-JOTI is a traditional event of the Movement, which allows scouts of all ages from all over the world to meet thanks to radio amateurs, the Internet, and other platforms on the Internet, in order to make this World Scout Brotherhood effective.

Skolta Esperanto-Ligo has an #esperanto channel on the platform where we can meet, in addition to our Discord account ( with various channels both written and voice.

If you don’t know Esperanto yet, it’s not a problem because with the Google translator ( you can contact us perfectly since it has a 98% accuracy!! And at the same time you are learning the International Language.