In October we have Jamboree!!!
As every year, during the third weekend of October we have a World Jamboree, but without leaving our homes or…
surreta bulteno de Skolta Esperanto-Ligo
As every year, during the third weekend of October we have a World Jamboree, but without leaving our homes or…
Daniel Ortega’s regime closed eight NGOs, including the Scouts Association, a fraternity of Catholic missionaries and three religious associations, according…
Between the 20th and 22nd of October, the annual virtual event of scouts JOTI-JOTA will take place. You can read…
Today the 25th World Scout Jamboree has started in Saemangeum, South Korea. Nearly 50,000 young people and adults from 156…
Dear friends Every February 22 we remember the Founder of the Scout Movement and also his wife. Baden Powell and…
This past week we have seen the true strength and compassion of our global Scout Movement, as young people, volunteers,…
La venonta semajn-fino okazos la internacia skolta evento Ĵamboreo per la Aero kaj Ĵamboreo per la Reto. Povas partopreni en…
Every year on February 22nd we celebrate Founders Day, the birthday of Baden-Powell and his wife Lady Olave. The theme…
The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), together with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS),…
La organizantoj de la Eŭropa Skolta Ĵamboreo en Pollando, la Urbastraro de Gdansko, kaj la estraroj de WOSM kaj WAGGGS…
Dum la venonta semajnfino okazos speciala versio de JOTA/JOTI (Aprilo 4a kaj 5a). Ni ĉeestos en nia #kanalo ĉe…
Hieraŭ nokte okazis la Malferma Ceremonio de la 24a Monda Skolta Ĵamboreo en Bechel Summit Reserve, Okcidenta Virginio, Usono. Pli…